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News Roundup #13

News & Rumors Other

Ooooh, s**t. 13th Roundup.

I hope I don’t die after I write this one, or something.

This is last Friday’s Roundup, which was ready on Monday, but could not be published due to Alex being busy with the update.

Today’s Roundup should come out shortly, as soon as the other articles scheduled for this week finally come out.

News Roundup #13

Left 4 Dead News: October 22nd

Last week, “Lone Gunman” was the Mutation, in which…:

You and your Magnum against the deadly horde and Boomers.
So you have your Magnum pistol and… well you do have your Magnum pistol. You better be counting bullets because four swipes by a common and you are dead. Getting boomed? Forget about it.


Last week’s poll was “Do you rock?” and it posed the question “Have you played any of the Midnight Riders’ songs in Rock Band?”

I can’t say I have, partly because I am allergic to cashcow casual games that involve copious amounts of peripherals and DLC.

This week, the Mutation is “Bleed Out Versus”.

Under Construction!

While we postponed the site’s downtime, since we missed our deadline (well, more like deadlines), keep in mind that we are not giving up on the update, and boy oh boy, will it be huge!

Team Fortress 2: Various Halloween-Related News

Whoa, what was I on when I wrote this s**t?

Cinematic Mod 10.90 Released!

Apparently, people love Vic and Pinky chatlogs.

We should release a book filled with ’em.

Happy Halloween from LambdaGeneration!

Don’t worry, be happy, etc.

Other Minor (or Major?) Left 4 Dead News

I could not make my mind up on that.

Bonus Snippet


So, awesome, it made my eyes sneeze.

Wait, what?

Thanks to Phillip for saving this image!

And, Finally…:

We’re still working on the site update.

Pinky and I are also working on some larger articles, so excuse the dead air.

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!


  1. Gordon Freeblock.

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