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L4D2: Cold Stream Beta Released

News & Rumors Other

In case you missed it, Valve is doing a gameplay-oriented DLC pack for L4D2 including all of the remaining L4D1 campaigns and a new community campaign called Cold Stream.

They’re helping develop Cold Stream, and now you can give a hand too.

L4D2: Cold Stream Beta Released

The Cold Stream beta has been released for the PC and Mac!

Today we are releasing the beta version of Cold Stream. Since we announced it, Matthew has been hard at work on the map and the initial release looks a little more polished than you may have expected.

The reason for that is the difference between how we work on a campaign compared to modders. When we work on a campaign, we normally work in a rougher state without textures for a long period. Level design artists come in later and give the game its finished look with textures.

Modders often texture early as they have to create the structures based on the available artwork. They don’t have a team of artists coming in after them. So don’t let the level of texturing fool you. The campaign is still in flux.

We have activated the in-game bug reporter for L4D2. You can currently submit bugs on Valve maps including Cold Stream. This system will eventually be extended to work with community campaigns.

Very interesting. Community campaign bug reporting? That’s great. The Valve map bug reporting should help too, as we’ve been hearing a lot about exploits and bugs which haven’t yet been patched out of the game.

So how can you help and give feedback on Cold Stream?

If you see a bug report it. There are sure to be nav-mesh bugs, navigational issues, hit box problems, missing zombie ladders, art problems, etc. Remember it’s a beta.

For suggestions and feedback, first play the campaign and then post in the Cold Stream forum. The finale is one place in particular that we think is going to change pretty massively but please post all your feedback.

If you want to follow the development on Cold Stream, make sure to subscribe to our Twitter account.

The beta is for PC/Mac only. The 360 version will be included in the full DLC.
Cold Stream is part of an upcoming DLC for L4D2. No release date or pricing has been announced.
Cold Stream does not replace featured campaigns, they will resume next month.

Campaign Release Notes:
If you have a problem with a spawn room, vote to restart that chapter.
Everyone needs to be by the radio headset to start the finale map.
There are bugs, this is a work in progress.

Have fun.

Well, that said, head over there and try out Cold Stream. Or at least watch a video of it online. Let us know what you think of the campaign after you’ve played it or seen it in action.


  1. I played this beta twice and I can say that this is a quite good beta,
    there were lots of glitches and a lot of work needs to be done in order to make it complete, but ignoring that, it is a quite enjoyable campaign.
    My expectations for the final version are high.

  2. I haven’t even played the first level completely and I absolutely love the DLC. New zombie variation, called the Mud Men, difficult terrain, fun NPC dialogue, ah, it’s fantastic.

  3. Oh this is going to be exciting!

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