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[Rumor] Holy Fancy Fedoras! Fixed Paint Coming to TF2 Tomorrow!

News & Rumors Other

Not to be confused with regular old paint, rumors hint that an update will be landing in the TF2-verse with better paint effects for hats, and the name behind everything is Daimao.

[Rumor] Holy Fancy Fedoras! Fixed Paint Coming to TF2 Tomorrow!

Fixing the previous hat paint, the patch will update the look of painted hats to be more pleasing to the eyes and head. Daimao has already made several hats that appear in the game and was a large part of the “hat movement” before it really took off.

Now it looks like there’s actually a reason to paint hats!

Read more here

View the pretty hats here


  1. TF2 just updated.
    Then the rumor…
    *puts on sunglasses*
    Isn’t a rumor.
    *lame yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*

  2. Blue Mustache ftw.

  3. My excentric chapeau, finally even more awesome!

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