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Eric Ruth’s “Team Fortress Arcade” Released

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Have you ever wondered “what if Team Fortress 2 was a 16-bit side-scrolling shoot-em-up from the 1990’s?”. Well, if you haven’t, then you probably are now. And if you are, then rest assured, as Eric Ruth, creator of the brilliant Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead, has the answer to that question.

Eric Ruth’s “Team Fortress Arcade” Released

Meet Team Fortress Arcade, which we first covered in July, when it was revealed at Baltimore’s Gamescape art festival. TFA allows you to step into the shoes (or booties, if you main the Demoknight) of each of the nine Team Fortress classes, as the BLU team. You’ll fight through 10 levels, and at the conclusion of each, you’ll fight one of the RED team’s class members. At the very end of the 10th and final level, you’ll fight against an unknown final boss who apparently represents some sort of Portal 2 reference. Haven’t played through yet, so don’t spoil it!

Piki Geek has got the download link, as well as a new interview with Eric. There’s no hats, but you’ve got 4-player local coop, and Eric is working on adding a few new game modes, difficulty challenge modes, player VS player match-up modes; and, god bless, online coop. Not much else to talk about – just check out the game, I suppose. Looks like it is tons of fun, and I’m looking forward to playing through it with a few buddies!


  1. It’s not as fun as I was expecting, but it’s still pretty good.

  2. Nice! Very nice! 😀

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