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Beyond Black Mesa at 2010 Sidewalk Film Festival: Further Info

News & Rumors Other

More information on Beyond Black Mesa’s showing at the 2010 Sidewalk Film Festival has been released.

Beyond Black Mesa at 2010 Sidewalk Film Festival: Further Info

Beyond Black Mesa is scheduled to show at the Carver Theatre, on Saturday, September 25th, 2010, at 9:15 PM, during the 12th Annual Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival, in Birmingham, Alabama.

Matthew Hall, producer, writer, actor and camera operator, has stated that the movie will be released online some time in the next six months, after they have finished the film festival circuit.

Six months? That’s an awfully long while. The starvation will probably have us downloading bootleg filmed copies of it.

Still, we’re looking forward to it.


  1. Are you kidding!? Why not go? This film is supposed to be ridiculous; the trailer is amazing. Plus, rather than watching a poor quality copy, buy a ticket. It gets you in for the day, which is cheaper than going to a bar or movie theater.

  2. I like the poster, i hope i’ll like the movie too.

  3. Six mounths is indeed a long time to wait. But yeah i’m sure someone will get bad quality video of it at the festival and ill just end up watching that.

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