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“Escape From City-17 Part 3” Teaser Released, IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

Multimedia & Film Half-Life

Over the years we’ve seen some truly stunning fan-made movies, based on pretty much every major Valve game. Everything from low budget Counter-Strike videos in first person to live action masterpieces like “Portal: Outside Aperture”. One of the more famous ones, when it comes to Half-Life related films, is the Purchase Brothers’ “Escape From City 17”, a guerrilla styled short released back in 2009 as the first of two episodes, both made on a $500 budget.

Now the creators have surprised us, with a teaser for a new episode.

“Escape From City-17 Part 3” Teaser Released, IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

So it appears that the story picks up were the last episode ended. The team is on the run, and they’ve stumbled over a vehicle. And a… rocket launcher? Oh, I’m looking forward to this.

Now, let’s move on to a more serious matter. The team has launched a campaign over at IndieGoGo in order to raise the money required to make this movie a reality. With a goal on 50K and 30 days to go, it appears they’re gonna need every penny that the fans can spare. Remember, even if we don’t reach the goal, the team still gets the money donated (or at least, that’s what I’ve been told).

And just to clarify, the campaign runs until September 22. I’ll try to keep you updated on this project as time goes by.


  1. Ooiman you didn’t think you’d get away with calling Outside Aperture a Masterpiece without me noticing, did you? 😉

    Keep up the good work, I’ve been reading Lambda since the beginning.

  2. Ouch. Only $1,835? That sucks

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