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New Half-Life 2 Episode 2 mapping competition announced

Modding & Development Half-Life
New Half-Life 2 Episode 2 mapping competition announced

Planetphillip is kicking off 2014 with a bang! The site is planning many mapping competitions over the course of the year and the first has just been announced : Assassinateville.

You have received a message from your “employer”. One particular person is proving “troublesome” and must be eliminated. You will not be told exactly who this is until you are sent to the area.

Use any method necessary to assassinate this person.

Specific instructions may given at the time of learning of the person.

The competition is running from today until 6am GMT on the 3rd of February so open that editor and start laying those brushes!

Full details about the competition including all the rules and regulations can be found over on


  1. I have an idea, but it seems like a lot of work… a Dishonored-themed map. Might as well start.

    • Sounds like a great idea. It’s always best to just have a go and see what you can come up with, but remember not to be too ambitious in what you can achieve in a short time span.

  2. You beat me to it Daz! Hope we see plenty of entries this time.

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