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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )


'All Things Lambda'

Articles tagged with 'All Things Lambda'

All Things Lambda – Episode 13


It’s Episode 13, ‘The Unlucky Episode‘ of All Things Lambda – The LambdaGeneration Podcast. In this episode we discuss Filip Victor’s Half-Life 2: Update mod, Dota 2’s The International 2015 Tickets, an upside down Half-Life speedrun and much more!

The next live record date is April 26th at 12pm (PST) on our Twitch channel.

We look forward to having you in the chat, you can also ask questions to be discussed on the next show in the video comments or in the chat on the record day. If you enjoyed the show, make sure to subscribe to the LambdaGeneration YouTube channel and also follow us on Twitch!

All Things Lambda – The new LambdaGeneration Podcast!


For a long time, we had this idea of making a little something like a podcast. Now, after months of throwing ideas around, it’s finally here! This is the first episode of “All Things Lambda”!

In the first episode, Ooiman, Jeff and Dhel talk about the SteamBoy handheld, the mysterious Team Fortress 2 Bread items, and Dota 2’s ‘The International’. But of course, we couldn’t forget about the biggest gaming event of June: E3! We share our opinions about the conferences and go over a list of games announced!

This episode turned out to be longer than anticipated, too! Future episodes will be about 40 minutes long.

We hope you enjoy out first try at producing a podcast, and please do leave us feedback!

Email [email protected] or send us a Tweet.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for future episodes!