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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

News Roundup #15

News & Rumors Other

I know, this is last week’s Roundup… again.

We had a motherlode of articles, including this Roundup, set to be released this week, but since I couldn’t reach anyone from the staff, they went delayed.

Call it LambdaGeneration time or something.

Pinky and I will put in crunch time, and hopefully today’s Roundup will be out at a reasonable time.

News Roundup #15

“Lambda” Fanfilm Announced!

Lambda is a new fanfilm, created by Border World Films.

Set to be released as a series sometime in the holidays, Lambda follows an ordinary citizen, as he becomes a member of the Resistance.

L4D: November 5th Update


Blue Portals Release Date Announced

Cannot wait!

Wait, haven’t I said that before?

James Benson’s First Person Half-Life Animation Demo!

Looks amazing!

Portal 2 Delayed!


Bonus Snippet

No snippets this week. Sorry.

And, Finally…:

Pinky and I are struggling to get content out for the site, so don’t get the idea that we’re sitting around doing nothing.

Jeff can get that idea, though, since he will apparently include a LambdaGeneration cameo at one point in Valve: TAS.

Thanks for reading!


  1. “Jeff can get that idea, though, since he will apparently include a LambdaGeneration cameo at one point in Valve: TAS.”

    It won’t be in Episode Three,(though I will hide the logo throughout the episode.

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