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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

News Roundup #10

News & Rumors Other

Our tenth Roundup! Amazing.

News Roundup #10

Left 4 Dead News: Week 24

On last Friday, Week 24 was MIA. Tuesday is the new Mutation Day, since the new Mutation was only released on October 5th, when The Sacrifice was released.

On Week 24, we had the amazing “Taaaank!!!” Mutation.

Steamcast Snack: LambdaGeneration Interview Released!

Inaki, Alex, and I did an awesome interview with Sam of Steamcast last week. It was released quite recently.


Beyond Black Mesa: Sidewalk Is Over!

Beyond Black Mesa, the great fanfilm that shocked us with a stellar teaser trailer, and was announced to play at the Sidewalk Film Festival on September 25th, has left Sidewalk.

Apparently, they’re gonna circulate the film around to different film festivals before finally releasing it on the Net possibly sometime in mid-2011.

Either way, great job to the filmmakers for keeping the Lambda spirit alive!

Headcrab Zombie Statue Pre-Orders Are Live!

Outside of their Valve Store and their plushies, Valve has never released actual Half-Life merchandise.

The first action figure/statue/statuette/idunno is made by Gaming Heads, and costs 300 dollars.

Yes, it’s that expensive.

No, we’re not buying it either.

HL2 gets #1 on IGN’s Top 25 Modern PC Games!


Simply awesome.

Waq’s Half-Life “SD” Pack Announced!

Waqwarrior, or Erebus, if you prefer, who is not only a model rigger and sprite creator for HL1, but also a writer for us, has announced his Half-Life “SD” Pack through an awesome gameplay trailer!

Combining HL1’s classic art style with super definition goodness, this pack looks amazing!

We cannot wait to try this out!

Hammer Tutorial: The Basics

Pinky did a great water tutorial for us, but now we’re getting more serious with this stuff.

Anyone who wanted to learn some mapping, now is the time.

Life with Lamarr!

Ooh, a violin!

Bonus Snippet:

Note to thieves win!

And, Finally…:

It was a busy week, so yes, once again, this was a bit delayed.

Sorry, folks.

We’ve got plenty more news lined up for this week, so if you’re reading for the first time, stay with us!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Recently there has been a lot of trolling at BMS forums and this news roundup has reminded me:


    Dear trolls,
    Please stop breaking in the BMS forums and trolling everybody about the mod not being released,
    I understand that you are eager to play it, but what are you going to achieve with the trolling?
    The release date is a secret, Dicks.

    Try again and I’ll go Dr. Breen on your asses,
    That’s right I’m sitting in a citadel selling the humanity to an alien race watching you read this,
    F*ck You.

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