LambdaGeneration Community Join our new Community Platform — Share Half-Life news and community content. Built by fans, for fans.
We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

Community Spotlight: A New Feature by LambdaGeneration – Featuring something created by the community here every week.

Community & Projects Other
Community Spotlight: A New Feature by LambdaGeneration – Featuring something created by the community here every week.

Hello and welcome to the new LambdaGeneration! One of the main new features of the site is ‘Community Spotlight’. For an entire week, Monday-Sunday, we will be giving content creators the opportunity to have their work independently showcased across our entire website.

The purpose of this feature is to give a dedicated platform to the diverse amount of community generated content that is out there. We will be showcasing both new and old work from a wide range of mediums.

Examples of things which will be featured include:

  • Short films and movies
  • Game modifications
  • Animations
  • Maps
  • Artwork of all mediums
  • Physical creations
  • Comics
  • Other websites
  • Projects

We felt it was only fair that we started the first proper Community Spotlight after the websites launch, so we will be releasing the first Spotlight article on Monday 7th October (1 week).

We will be choosing what to feature ourselves, however if you want to share your work or informs us of someone else’s with us, you can email it in to one of the sites sections by email. Alternatively you can submit your work to our Tumblr feed where we will likely feature it even if it not chosen for the Spotlight.

Spotlight posts will be placed into the sections which relate to the subject best and so it is anticipated that the majority of Spotlight posts will be categorised within Modding & Development, Multimedia & Film, Art & Creations and some in Community & Projects. They also have their own article format so they are permanently archived together. We would like to create a visual archive of the Community Spotlight posts in the future with some sort of rating/favouriting system so that you can interact more with the work featured.

Bare in mind that there are only 52 weeks per year and to cope with the huge amount content we want to feature there is an organised queue/calendar for the spotlight, so don’t be disappointed if your work isn’t featured around the time you submitted it, it could still be upcoming!

If we want to feature your work, we will attempt to get in touch with you the week prior to when we would like to feature yours. We also have plans to do interviews with creators if they are willing to, either in text based or audio based (which would also be featured on our YouTube channel).

LambdaGeneration came to be as a result of the inspiration from the Valve and Half-Life Community and so we would like to share more of that with you in a way which can exchange inspiration back to content creators by giving them a place of promotion.

Get creating!

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