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New Fan-Made Comic Series ‘Half-Life: A Place in the West’ Announced

Art & Creations Half-Life

An unofficial Half-Life comic series is in the works!

“Half-Life: A Place in the West” is six-part illustrated comic written by staff Ross Gardner and Michael Pelletier.

New Fan-Made Comic Series ‘Half-Life: A Place in the West’ Announced

The story takes place in the years after the events of the Black Mesa Resonance Cascade incident during the unknown timeframe when Gordon Freeman is placed into stasis by the G-Man. It follows a group of individuals who are attempting to survive the effects of the incident in America.

What stands out so much about Half-Life: A Place in the West over conventional fan comics is the high quality of graphics presentation, which features hand-drawn illustrations by comic book artists Heath Heil and Rachel Deering. As a result, the work is comparable to Valve’s own comic style such as seen in Left 4 Dead’s “The Sacrifice” and Portal 2’s “LAB RAT“.

A page from chapter one of Half-Life: A Place in the West.

A page from chapter one of Half-Life: A Place in the West.

You can read the first three pages of the first chapter “Following Portents” on the official website. New pages are expected to be released next Monday (3rd November) and likely at regular intervals after that.

Oh and you can also follow Half-Life: A Place in the West on Twitter too.

Around the International Community

ru flag Half-Life Inside – “Half‑Life: A Place in the West — фанатский комикс по мотивам игры”

de flag Steamgamer – “Sechs neue Seiten des Half-Life-Comics sind online”

gb flag – “Community Half-Life Comic Series Announced”

gb flag Steam Users’ Forums – “A Place in the West: A Half-Life-Themed Graphic Novel”

gb flag Half-Life SubReddit – “Half-Life: A Place in the West” is a comic series that takes place in the early…


  1. Just so you guys know, Ross, the lead writer, has asked me to create a Combine Overwiki page for the comic. I have done so here:

    Please feel free to add to it.

  2. This comic looks pretty spectacular so far. Very nice artwork. I’m interested in seeing where it goes.

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