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Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

Articles posted during Tuesday August 26th 2014

‘Lambda’ Fan Film Trailer Released


We previously covered the announcement of a new Half-Life fan film called “Lambda” a few weeks ago however the director Connor Botts just put up the official trailer, which looks pretty epic.

The story is set just prior to the events of Half-Life 2 and follows a character known as Dominic Ryan, a resistance fighter who teams up with Barney Calhoun and Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2 in an attempt to rebel the Combine forces currently dominating the Earth.

If you want to find out more information about Lambda you can read our original announcement article which contains exclusive information about the film, there is also a Combine Overwiki page for it too!

You can also follow the film’s Twitter and Facebook page for future updates.

Community Spotlight: Lego Portal 2


“Lego Portal 2” is a stop motion animation created by Alex Kobbs of Kooberz Studios.

The animated video depicts various events from Portal 2 and follows Chell, ATLAS and P-body on a fan-influenced adventure through Aperture Science, leading partially into a scene from Half-Life 2 alongside Dr. Freeman and the Combine.

What Makes a Free-to-Play Game Successful?

Gaming Industry

This is an editorial by Aabicus which analyses the successfulness of free-to-play games in the gaming industry with relation to Team Fortress 2. All views expressed here are his own.

The Free-to-play model is the current trend in multiplayer online games at the moment, most frequently seen in MMOs, MOBAs and shooters. Since several high-profile games (including Team Fortress 2) proved the model worked, the gaming industry have seen a staggering amount of F2P releases, some of whom keep their revenue-enhancing devices subtle and others who make real-world money the most valuable resource a player can have.