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Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Articles posted during Thursday September 6th 2012

Less Than 2 Days Left For The Insurgency 2 Kickstarter!


Once upon a time, when the Source modsphere was a lot more active than it is today, a small team of modders created Insurgency, a hyper-realistic, super-tactical, and mega-something Source mod that put you in the combat boots of either a U.S. Marine, or an Iraqi insurgency fighter, smack dab in the middle of the Second Gulf War.

Then the dev team kind of fell apart, and then post-launch support abruptly came to a complete end. And these days, Insurgency isn’t quite as lively as it used to be – but it’s still just as fun as ever. Maybe that’s what original Insurgency founder Jeremy Blum was thinking when he decided it was time to start developing Insurgency 2.