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Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Articles posted during Saturday May 12th 2012

Valve And Blizzard Reach Trademark Settlement On The Dota Situation [UPDATE]


Last year, it was revealed that Blizzard had filed a notice of opposition against Valve with regards to the Dota trademarks. For a couple of months, the situation remained uncertain, but Blizzard have just announced that an agreement has been reached by both parties. According to this settlement, Valve will be allowed to use the Dota trademarks commercially, while Blizzard will maintain non-commercial use of the Dota trademarks. A win-win… mostly. Interestingly, as part of this agreement, Blizzard will change the name of their upcoming Action RTS game, from “Blizzard DOTA” to “Blizzard All-Stars“, a title which they say “ultimately better reflects the design of our game”.

Apparently, both Valve and Blizzard will have no further comment on the terms of the settlement beyond this press release, which is, ultimately, understandable. Good to hear that two awesome development studios (with a great focus on the PC community to boot) remain bros after all. After all, you know what they say: bros before… trademark disputes. Or at least I think that’s how it went.

[UPDATE: In their article on their subject, Joystiq intriguingly noted that Dota 2 is set to release… in 2013. Not sure if it’s legitimate or just a typo, but it is worth bringing up. Credit to Smash of ValveTime for the discovery.]