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Friday, March 30th, 2012

Articles posted during Friday March 30th 2012

In 3 Hours, Valve And Dark Horse Will Announce Their Next Project


In case you forgot, November of last year saw the release of the best-selling “Valve Presents: The Sacrifice And Other Steam-Powered Stories“, a 200-page print anthology of Valve’s greatest online comic book series: Portal 2: Lab Rat; Left 4 Dead: The Sacrifice, and the Team Fortress 2 comic shorts. Certain listings indicated that the comic was actually the first volume in a series, and since then, Valve has released quite a few other comics – most notably, the absolutely superb Dota 2: Are We Heroes Yet, a number of TF2 comic shorts, and a few Portal 2 comic shorts.

At precisely 6PM, at the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Valve and Dark Horse will be announcing their next project – so says the Valve Store’s official Facebook page. This might be Volume 2 of the “Valve Presents” series, and if it’s being announced this early, we can expect a slightly earlier release date – possibly September. Perhaps it will be a tie-in of sorts with Dota 2, and maybe even CS:GO. Who knows, at this point? We’ve got 3 hours to go until then, and we’ll let you know whatever they reveal.