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Friday, January 27th, 2012

Articles posted during Friday January 27th 2012

Steam Mobile Announced For iOS And Android, Currently In Closed Beta


Mobile gaming is going through a bit of a renaissance as of late. Gone are the days of cheap, primitive tie-in mobile games you’d buy for your crappy Nokia cellphone from some weird website. Now we have fancy app stores, high-tech smart phones, open-source, self-publishing, and all that cool stuff.

But Valve has never seemed to be too interested in the mobile space, or the portable space as a whole for that matter. Numerous homebrew ports of Valve games and plenty of Steam apps have popped up for all sorts of mobile/portable platforms. But never has Valve released anything official, anything substantial, to appease their fanbase, which is starting to realize gaming isn’t all about your home PC or your home console. But, no longer!