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Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Articles posted during Saturday October 29th 2011

TF2’s “Third Annual Scream Fortress”, Featuring The Magician The Soldier Pissed Off, And The Demoman’s Possessed Eyeball Boss NPC: “The Monoculus”


It’s that time of the year again, boys and girls. It’s… Halloween! Oooooo. Scary. Or Hallowe’en, if you’re a fan of inexplicably typing things differently. Depending on your genes, you’re either excited about going trick-or-treating, which typically results in acquiring decomposing, technically pre-historic candy from grumpy senior citizens (with a razor blade or two thrown in for good measure); or you’re excited about another one of TF2’s  Halloween updates, where you’ll get be going trick-or-trading, which results in NEVER acquiring ANY hats from ANY grumpy senior players. Though you can always count on getting the Team Fortress 2 equivalent of the razor blade thrown in to your Halloween basket: the Crate.