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Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Articles posted during Tuesday September 6th 2011

Gasp! Could Half-Life 2 Be Non-Canon?


Many Half-Life fans have speculated – are the Gearbox expansions canon, or are they non-canon? Sure, some elements are part of the established continuum, like Black Mesa’s destruction, but what about the rest? At the very least, elements from the Gearbox expansions that do not contradict or convolute the overall plot can very well be used as “flavor material” by the fans.

But what if we’ve been looking the wrong way all along? What if the canonicity of a different Half-Life title is up in the air? Read on!

Half-Life in Minecraft – Texture Pack Released, As Well As A Fan-Made Test Map


There’s two things PC gamers are crazy about at the moment – Half-Life, or to be more specific, the next Half-Life’s release date; and playing Minecraft. What happens if you combine those two things? We examined that question back in December of last year, with Cameron and FireTime’s “Half-Life Minecraft”. But now, a new element has been introduced to the equation! Meet the Half-Life texture pack for Minecraft, and the third-party test map using it, made by a couple of fans!