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Monday, August 29th, 2011

Articles posted during Monday August 29th 2011

E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy – Steam Addicts Interview


Our colleagues over at Steam Addicts have interviewed Jonathan Cacherat, the project lead and artistic director of E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy (really fancy title right there). Originally conceived as a Source mod in early 2006, E.Y.E was released one month ago on Steam. So far, reception has been positive! E.Y.E. manages to deliver a great FPSRPG experience, that, in the words of Sam Beck of Steam Addicts, represents what you get “when a Soldier of Fortune subscriber passes out face first on a D&D board with Blade Runner on in the background”.

Valve News Is Back Online!


Two days ago, Valve News came back online after a week of absence that may have been related to problems their web host was suffering at the time. But theyhave returned (and in force, if we may add), so expect to see lots more from them in the coming days. Hey, we all go down once in a while, and that includes us. They’ve got some great material, so be sure to check them out!