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Friday, August 19th, 2011

Articles posted during Friday August 19th 2011

What Became Of The HL3 Protest?


A week ago, two brave Half-Life fans committed the ultimate sacrifice – they decided to spend two days they could have spent playing Half-Life, picketing outside of Valve. These brave heroes endured 48 hours in the scorching Bellevue sun, knowing that inside the building that lay in front of them, Valve employees could be talking about, developing, or, god forbid, play-testing Half-Life 3.

But what happened when Gabe came along and spoke with the protesters? What did he tell them? Did we ever see them again?

Portal 2 DLC #1 Set For Mid-September, Still Free On All Platforms


Doug Lombardi, speaking with Kotaku at Gamescom 2011, stated that Portal 2’s upcoming DLC pack #1, will be released in mid-September. Doug assured Kotaku that that’s “still technically summer”, and we are hoping the same goes for L4D2’s Cold Stream DLC, which was similarly set for “summer”. We are definitely wanting the Portal 2 DLC more than anything L4D2 could offer, but both DLC packs were set for summer, and since they’re two nearly completely different games, with separate teams within Valve, it’s a bit odd that they’re both getting close to seeing a release in autumn.