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Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Articles posted during Saturday July 2nd 2011

Kelly Bailey and Mike Dussault, two ex-Valve employees, release their first non-Valve project: Morfo


Back in March we reported on the absence of Kelly Bailey from Valve’s website, of which the finer details of were uncovered by Podcast 17 in their Mike Morasky interview. As it turns out, Kelly Bailey and another ex-Valve employee Mike Dussault have been working for SunSpark Labs, a company founded by the two late last year, after their increased interest in the “mobile development space“. Their latest release, Morfo, is an iOS application that can turn a photo of a face into a “talking, dancing, crazy 3D character”.

News Roundup #47


Ah, 47. Just like the chrome-dome killer from the Hitman series. I wish we were just as precise and efficient in terms of writing as he was in terms of… well, killing people.