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Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

Articles posted during Wednesday June 8th 2011

Steam Support Is Now On Twitter


From time to time, you get a lovely love letter, in the form of an attempt to hack your Steam account, straight from a hacker from… Latvia, or something. There’s a few things you can do in this case: blush and wonder how one might go about contacting such a secret admirer, or desperately try to get your account back while shouting brutal threats at anyone in your vicinity, or contacting Steam Support.

Some say it doesn’t help, but that’s silly. Support is on the way, and you’ll get your account back. All your valuable TF2 items and yes, your prized indie game collection, complete with associated leaderboard scores will be safe yet again. And now there’s a quicker way to contact these great folks, so you don’t go insane while waiting for a response.