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Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Articles posted during Thursday April 14th 2011

Mike Morasky discusses Dynamic Music in Portal 2


Many of us were heartbroken upon hearing the news of Kelly Bailey’s departure from Valve, but many of us were also confident that his spiritual successor Mike Morasky would indeed be a spiritual successor, as his previous work in Team Fortress 2, Portal and Left 4 Dead speaks for itself. GamesRadar recently interviewed Morasky about the music in Portal 2, and while Morasky had lots to say on the subject, he also threw in some new and old samples of songs to listen to. This article is definitely a feast for eyes and ears alike, and be sure to hit the jump for a brief lowdown.

‘Half-Life Gold Singleplayer’ mod released, your help is requested


The Gold Source (GoldSRC) mod ‘Half-Life Gold‘ is a mod that aims to bring back the “good, old Half-Life 1 of 1998 with better graphic elements”. The mod is split into two parts, ‘Half-Life Gold Singleplayer’ and ‘Half-Life Gold Death Match’, the former of which (the single-player component) was just released. Go and play it now, if you want your nostalgia tickled!

News Roundup #36


Well, what do you know? It’s only been a few hours since Flamov started writing for the site, and he’s already serving my ass as the main course! In terms of writing, of course.