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Sunday, August 8th, 2010

Articles posted during Sunday August 8th 2010

The Many Faces of Half-Life: Uplink


The original Half-Life’s hype train first started rolling when an early demo of the first few chapters of the game, known as “Half-Life: Day One”, only meant for distribution with graphics cards, was leaked to the internet.

Immediately, gamers got fired up, and eventually, the game was released in November 1998.

However, there is another demo, an official one this time, not too many people remember. Released after the official game, Half-Life: Uplink is an underrated demo featuring some great levels that didn’t make it in the final game.

Half-Life: Redux – Model Pack


The wacky “better models better models” mania started in 2000, when an updated zombie model was sighted in a screenshot of HL1 for the Dreamcast.

Now it’s been 10 years, and numerous mods, individual models and other tiny things have attempted to update HL’s graphics to a higher standard. Some were released, some failed, some are still in development hell (BMS and HL:Enhanced, anyone?).

However, I stumbled upon this interesting little gem. Named HL:Redux, it features numerous new models, textures and other things. Similar to “DiamonD’s Half-Life”. Redux is definitely worth checking out. Video and official site are in the “moors”.